F# team is hiring

From: Don Syme
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:29 PM
To: FSharp Discussion
Cc: Programming Languages Interest Group
Subject: The F# team is hiring!

Hi all,

The F# team continue to have a number of positions open for compiler and language tools experts. Positions are by default in Redmond.

If you're interested in helping to bring a typed functional programming language into Visual Studio and think you have skills and commitment relevant to the achieving this, then please contact me or another member of the F# team to see if there might be a fit. If there's no immediate fit, then there may be one later, so don't be shy. We're looking for compiler experts, including optimization, type checking, performance and correctness language tools experts, e.g. experienced with language services and Visual Studio language tools QA/test experts

Kind regards
