Teen pregnancy a good thing?

You might turn a little bit pro teen pregnancy if you read Bee's article which appeared in the Guardian. Congratulations to Bee, as the Guardian has picked this article as one of its best articles of the year.

PS. Happy holidays from snowy Colorado!

En route to San Francisco/Colorado/CMU

I'm flying in the morning to San Francisco. I'll spend christmas in Colorado with my family, and then return to San Francisco for POPL. After POPL I'm going to CMU for my sabbatical.

text-only web browsing!

Last night at dinner with Bee and Josh, we discovered our shared mutual love for text-only web browsers like Lynx. Furthermore: Josh and I happily learned that we are not alone in our frequent use of Lynx in effort to cut out the cruft of the web.

Trends in concurrency summer school

PhD students: I'm teaching at the Trends in Concurrency summer school in Prague. Be sure to apply for a spot, as space will be very limited.

Marktoberdorf summer school

PhD students: I will be teaching at Marktoberdorf this summer. The list of lecturers has been announced, and the application process will open soon. Be sure to apply soon as space will be limited.

SLAM/SDV rule kit now available!

The Static Driver Verifier (SDV) Rule Development Kit (RDK) is now available. The RDK is an extension to SDV that allows you to adapt SDV to support additional frameworks (or APIs) and write custom SLIC rules for this framework. The goal of the RDK is to allow researchers to experiment with writing SLIC rules for APIs and to gain experience using the SLAM verification engine that underlies SDV. To request a copy of the RDK, please e-mail rdk_req@microsoft.com

Ranking abstractions

Our paper entitled "Ranking abstractions" will appear at ESOP'08. Here's the submitted draft, a final version is in preparation.